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Lopez Island

Oct. 11-13

Photo by Derek Eisel

Digital brochure for easier viewing will be available here by 9/20.

2024 Tour Stops:

Friday Only

Watmough Bay Farm; 121 Watmough Head RD; 2-4:30pm

We're excited for you to join us for some iced tea and a walk and talk through our farm as we share our vision and some future plans. We're also eager to hear what our community needs from their farmers


Horse Drawn Farm; 2823 Port Stanley Road; 9-10am

Come meet our horses; our three older geldings and our four home raised Suffolk/Belgian crosses. Learn about their daily routine, the equipment that they pull and what it takes to keep horses fit physically and mentally for farm work. While the tour will only be given at 9am Friday, our self serve Farm Stand will be opened all weekend.


Food Planet Future: The Art of Turning Food and Climate Perils Into Possibilities; Lopez Island Community Center; 7pm

Join award-winning author, photographer, and science educator Robert Dash on a visual journey connecting us to the foods we eat and the world we help shape. Through art, research, and innovative practices, Food Planet Future reimagines the tangled crises of food security, climate change, and biodiversity loss, inspiring awe, wonder, and action. Dash's work has been featured in publications including TIME and National Geographic, and has been showcased in museums and festivals worldwide.


Friday/ Saturday

The Sweetbriar Farm; 4968 Center Road; 2:30-4pm

Join The Sweetbriar Farm volunteers in the harvest at 2:30 on Friday and Saturday. A guided tour will follow. Both tours are free.


Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday

Finley Vern Fish Co; Islands Marine Center Dock; 11am - 3pm

Tours of the boat, hands on display of tools of the trade, and tasting samples along with options to purchase.


Taproot Community Kitchen; 1008 Dill Road

Demonstration with apples and quince on Friday (2-4) afternoon. Open for tours/walk thru of the kitchen on Saturday (10-3) and Sunday morning (10 to noon). We will have treats available from our kitchen users.



Midnight's Farm; 3042 Center RD

Sunday 4- 5pm - Farm Tour Highlighting Climate Mitigation Strategies
Guided walk through the intensive no-till market garden, pastures and compost operation.  We will highlight our efforts (and challenges!) to reduce our carbon footprint and create a resilient farm ecosystem. 


Sunday 5:00-9:00 - Create, Connect, Vision, Eat!
Join us for a participatory art project. What if we got it right on climate resilience and local food?  What would our island look like?  Bring your creative juices and positive energy.  Be prepared to get messy. No artistic experience necessary. Chili, salad, and bread for $15 ($7 for kids). Preregistration required at



Barn Owl Bakery; 108 Grayling ln.

Saturday 3-4pm
Learn about the Slow Food movement and what the Snail of Approval means for farms and food businesses and what it could mean for our island. Hear about Nathan's experience at the international Slow Food Conference and meet regional Slow Food producers. No cost for this presentation. 


Saturday 11am- 1pm
Go from seed to loaf as we explore our grain farming and baking practices and taste the flavors of our Lopez grown heirloom grains. No cost for this farm tour. 


Island Fibers; 4208 Port Stanley Road; 11 am - 3 pm

Free fleece evaluation and lichen dyeing demonstrations.


Lopez Food Heroes Celebration at the LIFE School Garden, 3:30-7pm

Enjoy a school garden story tour and appetizers at 3:30pm, followed by a showing of the new Island Grown Film. Island foods community meal at 5pm includes special guest speaker from PNW Slow Foods honoring Barn Owl Farm and Bakery. A collaboration of the Lopez Island Locavores, LIFE School Garden, Island Grown, SJI Makers Guild, and Slow Foods. Advance tickets required as a LIFE Garden fundraiser $60 (dietary options). See Farm Tour website for pre-order link.


Sunnyfield Farm; 6363 Fisherman Bay Rd; 10am- 2 pm

Sunnyfield will host our traditional well loved Little Winter Market in the barn form 10-2 with live music and coffee, baked goods, lunch, and other local products for sale by Lopez farmers. Cheese tasting available and tour of dairy at 1:00 pm.


S&S Homestead Farm; 2143 Lopez Sound Road; 1-3 pm

Free presentation on "Eating Locally and Seasonally," combined with garden tour, and sales.


North Star Farm; 5625 Fisherman Bay Rd; 9am

We’ll share our journey staring an off grid organic family farmstead. We integrate sheep in our grain crop rotation as we produce wool products, mill flour and bake. We’ll have coffee and fresh doughnuts for sale. 

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